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Healthy muscles work togeather
in harmony and are able
to rest more comfortably!

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What Is Neuromuscular Dentistry?
Neuromuscular dentistry is the practice of treating the muscles of the face and mouth. Every person has unique jaw and muscle physiology, so neuromuscular diagnosis and treatment is a custom science that involves careful study of an individual's oral history and health. Medical history is very important, especially any history of allergies, breathing problems, or upper airway obstruction. Dental history is critical and particular attention must be paid to the analysis of casts of the patient's teeth to evaluate the extent of the problem.

Healthy muscles work together in harmony and are able to rest more comfortably. When muscles rest and are comfortable they can reduce many symptoms including grinding, wearing, and pushing of the teeth.

The nerves and muscles that control and guide our jaw during movement can become tense, sore, and spastic. These strained muscles can contribute to a significant amount of pain and tension and lower the quality of comfort in and around our mouths.

Unhappy muscles can contribute or cause a wide assortment of problems including: painful teeth, gum disease, painful clicking or popping jaw joints (TMD), hearing and ear problems (dizziness, chronic ear infections, ringing), headaches, face, neck and back pain, tingling in the fingers, sleep problems, chipped and warn teeth. Painful muscles inside our heads are sometimes behind the bones and hard to reach and touch.

What Can a Neuromuscular Dentist Do For You?
The identification of the true neuromuscular rest position is the critical step in neuromuscular dental treatment. This is the position where muscles are relaxed and function most efficiently. Since most pain comes from injured or unhealthy muscle, muscle function normalization greatly reduces pain. When the rest position is correctly identified, appliance therapy can rapidly reduce TMD symptoms including headaches, clicking and popping joints, tinnitus, jaw pain, and a locking jaw. When symptoms become greatly reduced or disappeared, the appliance becomes a guide for permanent stabilization procedures that can include orthodontics or prosthetic dentistry.

Cosmetic dentists who specialize in neuromuscular dentistry use state of the art computer technology to find a correct and accurate jaw position. They can also record full movements of the jaw and record jaw joint sounds to help detect abnormalities.

When searching for a neuromuscular specialist, it is important to look for an experienced cosmetic dentist who is highly trained in the science of diagnosing and treating muscular problems. TMJ/TMD can take years to develop, and many people have not found the relief they have been seeking. Misdiagnosis is common for TMJ/TMD patients. Few doctors (physicians, dentists, chiropractors, osteopaths, etc.) have proper training in the diagnosis and treatment of TMJ/TMD, and these disorders have many overlapping symptoms that mimic other conditions. For help in finding a cosmetic dentist with ample experience treating neuromuscular dentistry problems, use the recommendation.

If you are concerned about sore or irritating jaw or face muscles, you may need the help of a neuromuscular dentist. Click here for tips on finding the right cosmetic dentist who specializes in neuromuscular dentistry.

For more information on Neuromuscular Dentistry visit the Las Vegas Institute for Dentistry